2008年10月25日 星期六

Development Progress

After the presentation, we know that another name of the weapon is Rolling Star :-)

Now I 'm successfully import a gameobject and control its basic movement such as walk and turn around. I'm going to develop classes base on it and I'm drawing the class diagram.

Also, I analyse the GameStateManagement Tutorial. It's quite difficult to understand all of it but I know how to use it soon.

I will place the diagram when i finish

Cheer up everyone !!!!!

2008年10月20日 星期一

the unwanted draft of the hero

The hero of our story should not be too smart so these designs will not be used.

draft: the Hero



2008年10月19日 星期日

[Final Version] Proposal

submitted our proposal to both of the advisors...
(we realised that we mentioned something about color(with pictures) in our proposal but we printed the hardcopy in black and white...so if our both advisors if u happen to drop by...u can download the softcopy here~~~ sorry abt that...)

the link below is our final version of the proposal...
Proposal(Final Ver.)

2008年10月13日 星期一

mission map

There is a specify route for player to go.
But before finishing mission1, player cannot go to the area of mission2.

There is no specify route, player can go to ever place he want.
However, the function of some item or event will not be able to see.
For example, player will not get the info. of mission3 from NPC at PC until he finished mission1 and 2.

XNA Animation Library

I find a opensource Library on Animation in XNA which can load and animate the model easily and more efficiently
And there is tutorial in its web.

draft story 2~3

draft story : 2nd-荒島獵人





draft story : 3rd-動物園戰記




故事:黑熊因為樣子兇惡,做盡各樣把戲還是得不到遊客歡心。反而好食懶做,欺善怕惡的熊貓則因長得可愛和國寶身份,得到各方愛護,成為了“動物園一哥”。黑熊終於決定要來一場革命!誓要教訓熊貓,改善其惡劣個性!在遊戲中,黑熊要解決各難題(mini game),如閃避管理員,與黑白兩道的企鵝對抗...


2008年10月9日 星期四

draft story : 1st-扭蛋反擊戰

2.解決地圖上的難題(mini game),以前往其他目的地

draft story : 1st-扭蛋反擊戰





A more relative reference abt gesture recognition

I find a youtube video about gesture recognition which is exactly the thing I want to do in the game . Unlucky it didn't talk about the method or other interformation about it

Some diagrams...

had a meeting on wed...and these are the flow chart and mind map(both version 1) that came out with...

...game flow...

...mind map...

2008年10月4日 星期六

gesture reconigition

Sorry for not clear concept.
Actually the thing i want to do is Accelerometer Based but not the IR on wiimote.
Here is the example.

I want to draw the gesture in the air but not facing to screen. You can see that the man just do the motion freely and no need pointing towards the screen.
I find a keyword " hidden markov model " which appear on the discussion on wiimote gesture reconigition.
I'm still finding more information about it
keep on guys :-)

remark: I hv finished to setup the computer la~

2008年10月3日 星期五

Shape Recignition

today Rock mentioned something about shape recognition thingy that he wished to include it into the game. We asked minming about how to do it to ensure we can detect the right shape being drawn using the wii mote. He told us a way of doing it but I'm not sure how's gonna be typed out here.

Anyway, went to YouTube to look for something on "Shape Recognition" and I saw this video. I was thinking if we can get the method of doing that and transfer it to our game, then most probably it will be easier for us to develop the game later.